Journal of Liaoning Petrochemical University
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A Pipe Layout Sequence Optimization Method Based on Disassembly Complexity
Yuanjie Liu, Qiang Liu
Abstract113)   HTML3)    PDF (1456KB)(97)      

Aero?engine usually contains a large number of pipes, the arrangement sequence of these pipes has a certain impact on the overall layout effect of the system. In order to reduce the degree of cross layout of multiple pipes, the evaluation method of pipe disassembly complexity was designed based on product assembly and disassembly, a Discrete Chicken Swarm Optimization (DCSO) algorithm was used to solve the pipe layout sequence planning. First, a calculation method of pipe disassembly complexity was proposed to evaluate the complexity of pipe system layout scheme. Next, the pipe was pre?planned by A* algorithm. Then, an obstacle avoidance algorithm was designed based on engineering rules to adjust the pipe. Finally, taking the pipe length and disassembly complexity as the optimization objectives, the pipe layout sequence was optimized based on DCSO, and the feasibility of the proposed method was verified by a layout example.

2023, 43 (2): 86-91. DOI: 10.12422/j.issn.1672-6952.2023.02.014